This volume runs from June 1996 to January 1997 inclusive.
The Index is in two sections. The ‘General Horology Index’ is an alphabetical list of topics covered, while the ‘Clockmaker Index’ lists clock and watch makers.
Alcyone June 1996 p4
American clocks July 1996 p36, September 1996 p21, September 1996 p46
Anniversary clocks June 1996 p12, July 1996 p41
Antiquarian Horological Society September 1996 p9
Auctions containing clocks June 1996 p35, July 1996 p37

Black Forest clocks, see 'German clocks'
Bluing clock hands July 1996 p4
Books about horology June 1996 p15, July 1996 p7, July 1996 p16, July 1996 p19, August 1996 p20, September 1996 p15
British Horological Institute August 1996 p7, September 1996 p9

Casemaking July 1996 p31, August 1996 p32, September 1996 p22
Carriage clocks, American July 1996 p36
Chinese clocks September 1996 p46
Clepsydrae June 1996 p16, July 1996 p4
Clifton (Westmorland) clockmakers July 1996 p26
Clock clubs September 1996 p9
Collections of clocks June 1996 p29
Comtoise clocks July 1996 p5
Cuckoo clocks June 1996 p22, August 1996 p45

Dial holes June 1996 p4
Dividing July 1996 p44

Electric clocks July 1996 p20, September 1996 p25
Escapements, working of June 1996 p46
Exhibitions, see 'Fairs at which clocks are exhibited'

Fairs at which clocks are exhibited July 1996 p7, August 1996 p7, September 1996 p9
Faults in clocks August 1996 p46
Fire clock September 1996 p36
Four-hundred day clocks, see 'Anniversary clocks'
French clocks July 1996 p5

German clocks June 1996 p18, June 1996 p22, September 1996 p16
Glue, use of in clock repair July 1996 p5

Instructions for use of watch August 1996 p9

Japanese clocks September 1996 p46
Journeyman clocks June 1996 p31

Longcase clocks June 1996 p41, July 1996 p8, July 1996 p13, July 1996 p24, July 1996 p45, August 1996 p35, August 1996 p40, September 1996 p21
Lunar work July 1996 p8

Mantel clocks August 1996 p21, September 1996 p45
Maskelyne, Nevil June 1996 p31
Mass dials, see 'Scratch dials'
Mora clocks August 1996 p35, September 1996 p28
Morbier clocks, see 'Comtoise clocks'
Morez clocks, see 'Comtoise clocks'
Moon dial July 1996 p8
Musical clocks July 1996 p11, September 1996 p41

Public clocks June 1996 p9

Repair and restoration June 1996 p22, August 1996 p21, August 1996 p40, September 1996 p4, September 1996 p31, September 1996 p41
Rock or stone clock July 1996 p46
Running-in June 1996 p45

Salem clockmakers July 1996 p7
Scratch dials July 1996 p25
Solder, use of in clock repair July 1996 p5
Stable clock June 1996 p9
Stolen clocks September 1996 p8
Stopwork, the making of July 1996 p29
St Pancras clock July 1996 p7
Sundials June 1996 p39, July 1996 p25, August 1996 p5, August 1996 p30, September 1996 p40
Swedish clocks August 1996 p35, September 1996 p28

Tavern clock, the making of July 1996 p31
Trademarks September 1996 p46

Vienna clocks December 1996 p5

Water clocks, see 'Clepsydrae'
Watches August 1996 p9
Weather clocks June 1996 p22

Adams, G, of Fleet Street, London June 1996 p33
Addis, William, of London September 1996 p38
Alderson August 1996 p25
Alexander, R, of Chippenham June 1996 p38
Allam, William August 1996 p29
Andersson, Krång Anders August 1996 p36
Andersson, Krång Mats August 1996 p36
Ansonia Brass Co of Ansonia, Connecticut August 1996 p25
Arnold of London September 1996 p38
Aynsworth of Westminster June 1996 p38

Badische July 1996 p41
Barber, Aquila, of Bristol July 1996 p45
Barber, Jonas August 1996 p18, September 1996 p10
Barwise of Cockermouth August 1996 p27
Barwise of London June 1996 p35, August 1996 p27
Bathe, Thomas, of London July 1996 p15
Bathe, William, of Bristol July 1996 p13
Beck, T, of Haywards Heath August 1996 p25
Becker, Gustav July 1996 p42
Beha Hermann & Co, Kings Lynn June 1996 p18
Beha Lickert of Norwich June 1996 p18, September 1996 p5
Beha Schwere & Co September 1996 p5
Beha, the family, of Norwich September 1996 p5
Bellman, William and family, of Broughton-in-Furness, Kendal and Ulverston August 1996 p17
Bernard, William June 1996 p5
Berthoud, Ferdinand July 1996 p39
Berthoud, Louis September 1996 p36
Blanchard, Charles, of London July 1996 p40
Boston Clock Co of Boston, Massachusetts July 1996 p36
Bourdin July 1996 p37
Bowen, Samuel June 1996 p43
Breguet June 1996 p36
Buckingham, Joseph, of London June 1996 p38
Burton, John, of Norton July 1996 p24
Bushman of London August 1996 p26

Caldwell & Co, J E, of Philadelphia June 1996 p36
Cartier June 1996 p35
Causard of Paris July 1996 p39
Chater, James, of London July 1996 p37
Cock, Thomas August 1996 p29
Cole, Thomas June 1996 p37, August 1996 p26, September 1996 p38
Condliff, James, of Liverpool August 1996 p27
Congreve, William September 1996 p36
Croutelle l'Aîné July 1996 p39

Davidson, John August 1996 p25
DeLaunce, James August 1996 p5
Dent, M F August 1996 p26
Derry Manufacturing Co of Maine July 1996 p36
de St Leu, Daniel September 1996 p37
Dickman, John, of Leith July 1996 p40
Dorrell, John, of St Giles, Cripplegate August 1996 p29
Drocourt July 1996 p37, August 1996 p28
Dutertre, Jean Baptiste September 1996 p38
Dutton, Matthew June 1996 p36
Dwerrihouse of Berkeley Square, London June 1996 p35, June 1996 p37

Eastman Clock Co of Boston, Massachusetts July 1996 p36
Eastman, Joseph H, of Boston, Massachusetts July 1996 p36
Ellicott of London June 1996 p31
Evans, Evan, of Totnes August 1996 p40

Fabergé August 1996 p28
Fairhaven Manufacturing Co of Vermont July 1996 p36
Favre-Jacot, George August 1996 p22
Finnigans of Manchester July 1996 p37
Fromanteel, Ahasuerus July 1996 p12
Fromanteel, Johannes July 1996 p38
Frost, William July 1996 p4

Gellatly, Robert, of Edinburgh July 1996 p40
Gillet & Johnson of Croydon June 1996 p7
Graham, George June 1996 p35
Grange, L, of Bradford September 1996 p38
Grey, Benjamin September 1996 p37
Griffin & Adams June 1996 p35
Grofinel of Chalons June 1996 p8

Haas, Phillipp June 1996 p12
Hadwen, Isaac July 1996 p26
Haley, Thomas, of London June 1996 p37
Hamilton & Inches of Edinburgh July 1996 p40
Hammond, D & T, of Manchester July 1996 p39
Handley & Moore of London August 1996 p27
Harvard Clock Co of Massachusetts July 1996 p36
Hird, Edward, henry and William August 1996 p17
Hodges, Nathaniel June 1996 p35
Hope-Jones, Frank July 1996 p20
Howard, E July 1996 p36
Howden & Co of Edinburgh June 1996 p37
Huber, Andreas July 1996 p37
Hutchins of London June 1996 p8

Ivory, James, of Dundee August 1996 p13

Jahresuhrenfabrik June 1996 p5, June 1996 p12, July 1996 p41
Jones & Son, John, of Aberystwyth July 1996 p4
Jump July 1996 p38
Junghans September 1996 p5

Kelvin, Lord September 1996 p25
Kent, John, of Manchester September 1996 p38
Kern (& Söhne) June 1996 p12, July 1996 p42
Kienzle June 1996 p12, July 1996 p41
King, Peter, of Long Acre September 1996 p39
Klaftenberger, C & A, of Paris July 1996 p37
Knibb, John, of Oxford June 1996 p9, June 1996 p37
Knibb, Joseph, of London June 1996 p38, August 1996 p29, September 1996 p37
Kroese, J P, of Amsterdam June 1996 p8

Lange & Söhne June 1996 p37
Le Coultre/Favre Lebau June 1996 p36
Leekey, Gabriel, of London August 1996 p29
Lenzkirch September 1996 p5
Lickert, the family, of Norwich September 1996 p5
Lomax, James, of Blackburn August 1996 p27
Luppens et Cie, H, of Bruxelles August 1996 p26

Majak June 1996 p45, September 1996 p4
Maple of Paris July 1996 p37
Maple & Co of London July 1996 p40, September 1996 p45
Margaine July 1996 p37
Markwick Markham July 1996 p39
Massey, Henry August 1996 p29
Matsson, Frost Mats August 1996 p36
Maurice & Co, E August 1996 p28
McCabe, James, of Royal Exchange, London June 1996 p35
Meiji Clock Co September 1996 p46
Molyneux & Sons of London June 1996 p33
Montandon Frères of Geneva June 1996 p36
Mougin August 1996 p26
Mudge & Dutton June 1996 p38, September 1996 p37

Nelson, Thomas, of Southwell June 1996 p5
Nicholls, William, of Cheltenham June 1996 p18

Omega June 1996 p8, September 1996 p4
Ourry of Paris June 1996 p36

Patek Philippe June 1996 p37, July 1996 p38
Pearson Page & (Jewsbury) Co Ltd June 1996 p16
Pegler of Halifax June 1996 p37
Pegler, Daniel, of Southampton July 1996 p37
Pennington, Robert September 1996 p36
Phillips of 23 Cockspur Street, London September 1996 p38
Philipson, Henry August 1996 p17
Philipson, the family, of Winter and Ulverston September 1996 p10
Piguet & Meylan July 1996 p38
Polhem, Christopher, of Stjärnsund, Sweden August 1996 p35
Potts, the family, of Leeds August 1996 p31

Quare, Daniel, of London August 1996 p9

Raingo Frères July 1996 p39
Robertson of Perth July 1996 p40
Rogers, Isaac August 1996 p29
Ross, Thomas, of Hull July 1996 p39
Rycutt, John, of London June 1996 p37

Sanderson, John July 1996 p45
Savage, the family, of Clifton, Westmorland July 1996 p26
Schatz & Söhne, August July 1996 p43
Schular September 1996 p39
Shelton, John June 1996 p32
Shakeshaft, Lawrence, of Preston September 1996 p39
Shortt, William Hamilton July 1996 p20
Smiths of Derby June 1996 p9
Smith, Sons & Co, F G, of Detroit August 1996 p26
Speakman, William August 1996 p29
Stopes, Aylmour, of London August 1996 p26
Synchronome, the company July 1996 p20

Tarts, F, of London July 1996 p37
Taylor of Manchester September 1996 p39
Taylor, Benjamin, of Cornhill and Lombard Street, London June 1996 p37
Taylor, William, of London June 1996 p38
Thomas, Lewis, of Chester July 1996 p37
Thomas, Seth September 1996 p4
Thornhill & Co, W August 1996 p26
Thorp, Samuel, of Abberley June 1996 p41
Tompion, Thomas, of London June 1996 p9, June 1996 p38, July 1996 p11, August 1996 p21, September 1996 p36
Tompion & Banger July 1996 p5

Uhrenfabrik Union of Glashutte September 1996 p36

Vallin, Nicholas June 1996 p35
Verneuil Her Mien September 1996 p36
Vulliamy, Justin September 1996 p37

Waklin, John August 1996 p5
Ware, H, of Hull August 1996 p26
Waterbury Clock Co June 1996 p45
Webster, Robert, of Mardol in Shrewsbury June 1996 p42
White, James, of Glasgow September 1996 p25
Whitfield, John, of Clifton, Westmorland July 1996 p26
Williams, Hebert, of Leeds August 1996 p31
Williams, W, of Carmarthen July 1996 p38
Windmills, Joseph, of London June 1996 p35, September 1996 p38
Winterhalder & Hofmeier September 1996 p5
Wise, John June 1996 p9
Wood, Robert, of London June 1996 p37, September 1996 p38
Woodley of Kington July 1996 p45
Wright of Birmingham June 1996 p20

Young of Rathbone June 1996 p8

Zenith August 1996 p21
Zipfel, the family, of Norwich September 1996 p5
