Looking for a horological item? Got something you no longer need? Why not put a "For sale" or "Wanted" ad in the Freemarket section of our next issue?
Advertising in Freemarket is now absolutely free and open to everyone: subscribers and non-subscribers, readers and non-readers. You are allowed up to three advertisements - of up to 20 words each - per issue, for clocks, books, parts and other horological items. Only ONE ITEM may be included in each advertisement. All "For sale" items must be priced. Just fill in the form below and send it to us. We will then put your advertisement(s) in the next available issue. Clocks Magazine and Splat Publishing Ltd reserve the right to edit or refuse any advertisement for any reason whatsoever.
If you represent a horological business and want to advertise, feel free to have a look at our ratecard. Discounts may be available if you book a series of advertisements with us.